How Citizens Can Engage

The world needs you, and you can make a difference in the future we leave to our children.
People around the world are redefining what it means to live the Good Life of the future. Collectively, we are increasingly seeking a more balanced, simple life, full of connections to family, our communities and the planet we share. We want to make a difference with the money we spend – and support brands that are helping deliver a better life for all. But we recognize that we don’t always know how.
Brands for Good is a global movement, led by brands that care about you, our future, and the health of society and the planet. These brands own their own responsibility for changing the way they deliver value to their stakeholders, AND they realize that the real power lies in partnering with you, their customers, to to deliver the future we need. We’re working together to make sustainable living simple, fun and more impactful – paving the way for a new 21st century vision for the Good Life – one that inspires and delights you and the people you care about, without trade-offs to our collective future.
Register your interest here and we’ll let you know soon how you can be part of our collective ambition to deliver the future we need.